Defizitbescheid for medical residency in Germany for international medical graduates applying for 16d visa for approbation, a blog by rohit batra teach

Understanding the Defizitbescheid for 16d Visa and Medical Residency in Germany

The Defizitbescheid, aka. Zwischenbescheid, is an official notice issued by a German authority responsible for the recognition of foreign professional qualifications. This document plays a crucial role for foreign medical doctors seeking to start a medical residency in Germany. You can learn about the requirements for a medical residency in Germany here. 

What is a Defizitbescheid?

The Defizitbescheid, or "deficit notice," is issued after the Landesprüfungsamt (LPA) or another competent authority has assessed your foreign qualifications. It identifies any deficiencies in your education or training compared to the equivalent German qualification. These deficiencies can be theoretical or practical and must be addressed through additional training or courses, and proved through necessary exams such as the Fachsprachenprüfung (FSP) and the Kentnnisprüfung (KP), before full recognition, aka. Approbation can be granted.

Purpose of Defizitbescheid for Medical Residency in Germany?

The primary purpose of the Defizitbescheid is to outline the specific areas where your qualifications do not meet German standards when compared with the MBBS education in Germany. It provides a clear roadmap of the necessary steps you need to take to achieve full equivalence. This ensures that all medical professionals practicing in Germany meet the country's rigorous standards, thereby maintaining high levels of competence and safety in regulated professions (reglementierte Berufe) like medical doctors, dentists and nurses.


Components of Defizitbescheid Application for Medical Residency in Germany as an International Medical Graduate

Defizitbescheid for medical residency in Germany for international medical graduates applying for 16d visa for approbation, a blog by rohit batra teach

After sending in your necessary documents either online, or by post, depending on the requirements of the LPA of the state you chose, you will have to be patient and wait for a few months for an answer. This is because there are many applicants from around the world standing in line along with you. Learn about the most common countries of origin for foreign doctors applying for a medical residency in Germany here.

The assessment is carried out by recognised professionals called "Gutachter" (eng. experts). Once completed, the Defizitbescheid sent to you will contain the following information relevant to your MBBS education and to your future starting a medical residency in Germany. This will include:

  • Assessment of Qualifications: The document begins with an evaluation of your submitted qualifications, comparing them against the German standards for your profession.
  • Identified Deficiencies: It details the gaps in your qualifications, specifying which theoretical knowledge or practical skills are lacking.
  • Recommended Measures: The notice will recommend specific measures to bridge these gaps. This could include attending additional courses, undergoing practical training, or passing specific exams like the Fachsprachprüfung (medical language exam) or Kenntnisprüfung (knowledge exam). Learn what is a FSP exam in Germany, necessary for medical residency in Germany here.
  • Validity and Conditions: The Defizitbescheid will also state the validity period of the recommendations and any conditions that must be met during this period.



Documents Required for Defizitbescheid Application as a Foreign Medical Doctor

Defizitbescheid for medical residency in Germany for international medical graduates applying for 16d visa for approbation, a blog by rohit batra teach

When applying for a Defizitbescheid for a medical Residency in Germany as an international medical graduate, you need to ensure that you have prepared and gathered all necessary documents, as defined on the website of Landesprüfungsamt (LPA) of the State in Germany you choose.

Here is a detailed list of the required documents and steps to follow:

  • Personal Identification
    • Valid passport
    • Passport-sized photographs (as per biometric specifications)
  • Educational Qualifications
    • Certified copies of your medical degree and transcripts
    • Certificates of completion for any postgraduate training or residencies
    • Proof of clinical rotations and internships completed during your medical studies
  • Language Proficiency
    • German language certificate at least at B2 level (preferably C1), from recognized institutions like Goethe-Institut or Telc
  • Professional Qualifications
    • Proof of professional registration/medical license in your home country (depends on the state you choose)
    • Good standing certificate from the medical council in your home country
    • Detailed curriculum vitae (CV)
  • Proof of Experience
    • Work experience letters or references from previous employers
    • Job descriptions detailing your clinical duties and responsibilities
  • Financial Proof
    • Evidence of financial stability, such as a blocked account with at least €1,027 per month for 2024
  • Health Insurance
    • Proof of health insurance coverage valid in Germany
  • Application Forms
    • Completed application form for the recognition of foreign professional qualifications
    • Additional forms as required by the State authorities, such as the "Erklärung zum Beschäftigungsverhältnis" if you are involved in practical training
  • Other Supporting Documents
    • Any additional documents specified by the Landesprüfungsamt (LPA) of the State in Germany you choose.


Note: This is not an exhaustive list. For a complete list, make sure to go through the exact requirements of the State in Germany you choose to apply to. This is to ensure there are no unnecessary delays as they usually can set you back a couple of months, if you're lucky. (Some people even report delays of up to 12 months because of a small mistake in document preparation!)


Steps to Obtain a Defizitbescheid for Medical Residency in Germany

  • Submission of Documents: Submit your educational and professional documents to the LPA or relevant authority 
  • Initial Assessment: The authority reviews your documents to determine their comparability with German standards 
  • Issuance of Defizitbescheid: If deficiencies are found, a Defizitbescheid is issued, outlining the required measures to achieve full recognition.


Application of a Visa with Defizitbescheid for Medical Residency in Germany 

The Defizitbescheid is essential for applying for a §16d visa, which is intended for individuals undertaking qualifying measures in Germany. This visa allows you to stay in Germany while completing the recommended courses or training to achieve full recognition of your qualifications.


How to Apply a Defizitbescheid for Medical Residency in Germany as a Foreign Doctor?

Consider a foreign-trained doctor applying for recognition in Germany. This is the step-by-step progression of their application for a Defizitbescheid:

  • Application: The foreign doctor must collect all of their documents required for an application of a Defizitbescheid and send them to the Landesprüfungsamt (LPA) of the state they choose 
  • Assessment: The LPA reviews the doctor's medical degree, internships, and work experience 
  • Defizitbescheid: The notice identifies gaps in certain medical procedures and language proficiency 
  • Recommendations: The doctor is advised to complete a six-month practical training at a recognized hospital and pass the Fachsprachenprüfung 
  • Visa Application: The doctor uses the Defizitbescheid to apply for a §16d visa, enabling them to stay in Germany and complete the recommended measures.


How Much Time Required in Issuing a Defizitbescheid for Medical Residency in Germany?

The process of obtaining a Defizitbescheid can take several months, typically ranging from 5 to 9 months, depending on the complexity of the assessment and the specific state in Germany processing the application.

The Defizitbescheid is a vital document for foreign medical professionals aiming to start medical residency in Germany. It ensures that all necessary qualifications and skills are met, thereby safeguarding the quality and safety standards of professional practice in Germany. However the bureacratic hurdles are real and the complexitites of the process can burden a foreign doctors already struggling with learning German language. 

Defizitbescheid for medical residency in Germany for international medical graduates applying for 16d visa for approbation, a blog by rohit batra teach

How to Apply Correctly a Defizitbescheid for Medical Residency in Germany with Professional Support?

Seeking guidance from professionals such as Rohit Batra, who specialise in assisting foreign medical doctors, can be highly beneficial in navigating this complex process, ensuring you stay on your chosen timeline and save your precious energy and time for what truly matters.




The team behind Rohit Batra Teach has streamlined the process of application to a medical residency in Germany for foreign doctors and is helping YOU with the following: 

Recognition of Foreign Medical Qualifications 

Foreign medical doctors must have their medical qualifications recognised by German authorities. This process can be complex and may require additional steps to prepare the necessary documents properly. This is to avoid delays in the entire process (sometimes delays can extend your overall timeline by 12 months!)

Application for the correct visa

There are plenty of pitfalls in applying for a visa  § 16d Abs. 1 AufenthG for recognition of foreign qualifications for medical residency in Germany. But we're here to help you navigate these challenges. You focus on learning the German language, and we'll take care of the rest, providing you with the support you need. 

Medical German Language Requirements 

Proficiency in the German language is essential. Foreign medical doctors must pass language exams, often requiring a medical German language exam course or a hospitation, to demonstrate their ability to communicate effectively with patients and colleagues. We will help you get the experience you need.

Medical Residency Application Process

Once your qualifications are recognised and language requirements are met, you can confidently apply for a medical residency in Germany, knowing we're here to guide you through the process. 


We can help you! Fill up the form to the Accelerator Program here and take the 1st step towards your medical residency in Germany.


Rohit Batra Teach- Career in Germany for Everyone

"Here we support the next generation of foreign medical doctors start a medical residency in Germany. Discover our customised programs designed to accelerate your path to a German medical residency program. Start your journey today!"



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“Rohit “Rohit “Rohit

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