Salaries for PG Doctors in Germany after MBBS: How Much Can You Earn as "Assistenzarzt"? blog by rohit batra discussing the salary or money an international doctor can earn after achieving approbation or permanent medical licence registration in Germany

Doctor Salary in Germany | How Does Salary of a Doctor in Germany Grow?


Welcome to a new post. Today, we'll be discussing the salary of Residents/PG in Germany, known as "Assistenzarzt Gehalt." Some of you might even ask, "will I be able to earn 1 million euros as my salary as a top surgeon in Germany?" This is a pretty common worry and doubt in a doctor's head before they make the decision of coming to Germany for their careers.

And why not. You're leaving home, family, friends and everything familiar to come abroad. 🌐💼  You'll invest €1000+ in your language learning, consultation charges, and other necessary fees. The least they can do here in Germany is pay you well!  And they do!

Here, you'll be provided with an overview of the gross salary or the "pre-tax" salary range, entry-level earnings, and how the salary progresses throughout the professional journey.  Let's Discuss--


How Much Does a Medical Resident Get Paid in Germany?

The entry-level salary of a PG in Germany after MBBS varies depending on the employer. In the first year, the salary ranges from €4,760 to €5,109 pre-tax per month. With increasing professional experience, the salary rises, and after five years, one can expect a salary of around €6,000 gross per month. To learn more about the salary of a doctor in 2024, click here.


Salary of Doctor in Germany by Employer

Let's take a look at the entry-level salaries based on different employers and their respective collective bargaining agreements (data as of 2022):

  • Kommunale Kliniken (Municipal Hospitals): €4,852
  • Universitätskliniken (University Hospitals): €4,938
  • Helios Kliniken: €5,109
  • Asklepios Kliniken: €4,830
  • Sana Kliniken: €4,770
  • Röhn Kliniken: €4,760


Salary of Doctor in Germany Determination through Collective Bargaining

The salary of 'Assistenzärzte' or a PG in Germany is usually determined through collective bargaining agreements. The two most common agreements are the "Tarifvertrag für kommunale Krankenhäuser" (TV-Ärzte VKA) and the "Tarifvertrag der Unikliniken" (TV Ärzte TdL).


What is the Tarifvertrag für Universitätskliniken (TV Ärzte TdL)

The Tarifvertrag for university hospitals outlines the salary scale for a PG in Germany based on years of experience. The entry-level salary can be found in the Ä1 category, Stufe 1. Here's an overview of the gross monthly salaries based on years of professional experience (data as of 2022):

Entgeltgruppe Stufe 1 Stufe 2 Stufe 3 Stufe 4 Stufe 5 Stufe 6
Ä1 Assistenzarzt €4,938 €5,218 €5,418 €5,765 €6,178 €6,339
Please note that the TV Ärzte TdL is valid until June 30, 2022.            


What is the Tarifvertrag für kommunale Krankenhäuser (TV-Ärzte VKA)

The Tarifvertrag for municipal hospitals defines the salary structure for a PG in Germany. The entry-level salary can be found in the I category, Stufe 1. Here's an overview of the gross monthly salaries based on years of professional experience (data as of 2022):

Entgeltgruppe Stufe 1 Stufe 2 Stufe 3 Stufe 4 Stufe 5 Stufe 6
I Assistenzarzt €4,852 €5,127 €5,323 €5,663 €6,069 €6,236
The numbers indicate the years required to reach each respective salary level.            


How Salary of Doctor in Germany Grows within Salary Scales

It's important to note that moving to a different hospital or specialty does not reset your salary level. If you change hospitals or specialties after three years, you would typically continue at the salary level of Stufe 3 or Stufe 4.


How Can Salary of a Doctor in Germany Increase with On-Call Duty?

Assistenzärzte or a PG in Germany have the opportunity to increase their income through additional services, weekend work, or overtime. Compensation options include:

  • Bereitschaftsdienste (on-call duty)
  • Überstunden (overtime)
  • Nachtarbeit (night shifts)
  • Sonntagsarbeit (Sunday work)
  • Feiertagsarbeit (holiday work)
  • Arbeit am 24. und 31. Dezember (work on December 24 and 31)

The money you earn working on these days listed above is over and above your regular pay.. It is an EXCELLENT way to increase your salary per month as a PG in Germany as each extra hour you work for is paid. 


Is Germany Good For Medical Residency?

Well, there you have it. You have an immense opportunity to earn in euros as a medical resident in Germany. You will belong to the top 5% of earners in Germany when you BEGIN your PG in Germany after MBBS. Plus the feeling of doing NO FREE WORK is pretty amazing as each extra hour you work for will be compensated.

I hope you decide to start this wonderful and pretty lucrative journey of starting a PG in Germany after MBBS. High salaries, superior standard of living, respect and high social status, what's there not to like? If you need more support, feel free to reach out by booking a 1:1 Guidance session with me. You can fill up the form and introduce yourself here.  

Feel free to ask away your questions here, and I'll do my best to respond to each one as openly as possible. Ask here so that anyone who is reading this Blog post might be helped along with. Check out my YouTube channel for more relevant and free information about everything PG in Germany.

Alles Gute! 😊



Stay in touch 🫶

“Rohit “Rohit “Rohit
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